Kids' Bike Helmets

Discover our kids’ bike helmets to properly equip your young adventurers! Whatever the outing, we offer comfortable helmets in a variety of shapes and colours to protect their heads in all circumstances. Take advantage of quality equipment with Decathlon to accompany their first pedal strokes or tricks in the park.

A complete selection of kids’ bike helmets

To help children discover the joys of cycling and pedal with confidence and safety, we've got a selection of top-quality kids’ bike helmets for you to choose from. With a wide range of sizes and colours, there's a model to suit all ages and preferences. We even offer toddlers’ bike helmets for the tiniest member of your family! Take advantage of our kids’ bike accessories to complete their equipment.

How do I pick the right toddlers’ bike helmet?

To find the right kids’ bike helmet, use our filters at the top of the page! Select your preferences from our range of sizes, experience levels, colours, and prices. You can also explore our range of kids’ bikes to suit the size, level of experience and type of cycling your li

ttle ones enjoy.


Children's mountain bike helmets

To make every outing in the mountains a memorable one, Decathlon has the right equipment for you! Our mountain bike helmets for kids have a removable visor and are light, comfortable, and ventilated to make your explorations enjoyable.

Take advantage of our complete cycling gear designed for young adventurers.


Equipment of choice for young cyclists

Our kids’ bike helmets are designed for fun and safety so they can enjoy the pleasures of speed. Each of our models is lightweight and breathable and adjustable for a comfortable ride while cushioning shocks if necessary. You can also

discover our selection of balance bikes to give your little ones a taste for cycling!


Decathlon: A partner for budding cyclists

To make every cycling outing a thrilling experience, Decathlon has all the equipment young and old need. With a wide choice of equipment dedicated to cycling, take advantage of innovative, durable and specialized equipment designed and improved by our experts. And to keep the

sport accessible to all, we keep our prices affordable without compromising on quality!
